Mike Ingram (he/him)

Languages Spoken: English

Stage of Life: Professional/no children

What brought me to Champaign-Urbana: Other

Areas of Expertise: Downtown Champaign, Downtown Urbana, U of I Campus, Outdoor Recreation, Running/Walking, Volunteering, Community Development, Entertainment, Arts & Culture, Culinary Scene/Local Foods, Nightlife, Music

Advice for New Residents:Campustown is a whole different “downtown” area than either Champaign or Urbana. Don’t drive west on Springfield between 4:30-5:30pm. Yes, there is parking on campus. Custard Cup isn’t actually, technically, custard; but it’s incredible, anyway. We have a world-class art museum that is the envy of museum curators around the world (Krannert Art Museum). The music scene is impeccable. The post office on Mattis stays open later than all the rest.